Sneaky Leftovers

Ready to spend less money on groceries, less time in the kitchen, and still feel super satisfied on a plant-based diet?

Then Sneaky Leftovers is for you!

Soon to be the parents of 6 boys, I’ve learned a thing or two about making plant-based food that is delicious, filling, doesn’t take all day to make or cost a fortune.

In general I feed our family of 7 on around $1000/month by relying on many of these nutritious and inexpensive staples like legumes, potatoes and whole grains.

Many of these are the staples that get us through the busy days and weeks when I don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but we all still need to eat! 

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My Plant Strong Family

Whole Food Recipes for Families

Cheering you on!

💖 Alicia