Podcast Episode 4. What are You Thinking? The Surprising Place You Need to Start With Janeen Alley
Janeen began eating plant-based 15 years ago and has taught and coached individuals on both the nutrition as well as behavior and habit change.
Plus she shared this great recipe for Thai Butternut Squash Curry and her hacks for putting it together in just 10 minutes!
4. What are You Thinking? The Surprising Place you Need to Start with Janeen Alley.
Join us for this deep dive on how our thoughts impact our ability to make forward progress and tactics to keep your thoughts from holding you back. Janeen began eating plant-based 15 years ago and has taught and coached individuals on both the nutrition as well as behavior and habit change. Show Notes: <a href=”http://plantbasedsupermom.com/04″>MyPlantStrongFamily.com/04</a> Grab your Minimal Meal Plan: <a href=”http://plantbasedsupermom.com/quick”>MyPlantStrongFamily.com/quick</a> Which idea is most helpful to you?
Facebook: BusyMomsWellness
Grab your Minimal Meal Plan: MyPlantStrongFamily.com/quick
What point is most helpful to you? Tell me about on Instagram: @myplantstrongfamily