Podcast Episode 17: Lifestyle Strategies for Building Emotionally Resilient Kids with Dr. Mary Wilde
Finding ways to carve out time to fuel my body and my spirit and creating a time that was mine each day to pursue my passion of helping families eat well really kept me grounded when it seemed like was being turned upside down.
I think you are going to love my conversation with today’s guest, Dr. Mary Wilde where we share our experiences of raising a total of 13 boys between the two of us and our efforts to nurture ourselves and our families in a way that builds resilience.
17. Lifestyle Strategies for Building Emotionally Resilient Kids with Dr. Mary Wilde
Nothing has highlighted the need for emotional resilience in ourselves and in our kids than the experiences of the past year. As I look back on the things that helped me the most, it’s be the habits of investing in my own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health that have given me the reserve to be able to keep going when things got hard.
Simple Lebanese Lentils & Rice
DrMaryWilde.com access to anxiety course and podcast
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