Podcast Episode 21: What to Do When Your Kids Want Junk with Trish Braunersrither
Whether it’s at school, sports or church activities, birthday parties, or foods they eat with friends or family–it can seem like our kids have a flood of processed food coming their way, especially if you are working hard to emphasize whole plant-foods.
Add to that all the times you work hard to try and find recipes your family will eat and inveset a decent amount of time, energy and ingredients preparing them only to have your family complain and go find something else in the pantry or even the drive-thru, you know just how discouraging and frustrating it can be.
Trish and I have both transitioned our families to eat plants during the past five years and have learned some invaluable lessons of what you really need to know to make the transition and it’s probably not what you think!
21. What to Do When Your Kids Want Junk with Trish Braunersrither
Every parent knows that the gap between what our family is actually eating versus what we know would be good for them to eat is usually larger than we’d like.
Follow Trish for lots of wisdom on abandoning the diet mentality and embracing whole foods:
Show notes: MyPlantStrongFamily.com/21
Grab your Minimal Meal Plan: MyPlantStrongFamily.com/quick
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