Podcast Episode 60: Managing Severe Coronary Heart Disease with Doug Richards
But a large body of research that doesn’t get the media attention it deserves shows us that the opposite is true. That the saturated fat in animal foods is the primary driver of heart disease, and plant foods work to clear out the arteries and reverse it.
Doug Richards is one of many who have discovered and experienced this boost to his health and I excited to share his experiences with you today.
60. Managing Severe Coronary Heart Disease with Doug Richards
Most of us have grown up with the idea that milk does a body good and that animal protein is the best source of protein for our bodies and our brains. But a large body of research that doesn’t get the media attention it deserves shows us that the opposite is true.
Podcast Episode 18: Overcoming Heart Disease and Diabetes with Armando Alvarez
Podcast Episode 36. Insights on the Word of Wisdom with Jane Birch