How to Choose Food for Real Health
Likewise, today numerous studies clearly confirm the ability of a plant-based diet to prevent and even in many cases reverse the top killers – heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer.
But just like in the early 1900s, most doctors aren’t recommending plant-based diets. Big corporate profits drive many of the predominant health guidelines.
As Dr. Greger points out, today the western diet causes far more disease and death than the tobacco industry does.
I know 18 minutes is a lot of time, but watch it at a higher speed and make time for this video. The information here can save your life.
Food as Medicine | Michael Greger, M.D. | TEDxSedona
NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. The speaker makes strong assertions about a specific diet that lack sufficient scientific evidence for general prescription. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers.
Dr. Greger and many other evidence-based physicians will be speaking at the upcoming Food Revolution Summit starting this Saturday, April 28. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn, for FREE, from a variety of experts about what the research really shows about food choices.
Last year this event was so eye-opening to me. I initially tuned in half-heartedly, but by the end of the first day I was telling my family and friends they had to hear this! It clarified so many things I had wondered about and brought many “ah-ha” moments. I am excited to watch it again and hope you take advantage of this fantastic event!