Tag: plant-based pregnancy

Lessons Learned from the (Mostly) Unmedicated Birth of My 10 lb Baby

Lessons Learned from the (Mostly) Unmedicated Birth of My 10 lb Baby

Baby boy, affectionately nicknamed Cinco, is here! We could not be more grateful he came early, especially because he was originally scheduled to be induced during a blizzard! While I am not generally one to share a lot of details from my personal life online 

What I’ve Done to Make my 5th, “High-Risk” Pregnancy My Best

What I’ve Done to Make my 5th, “High-Risk” Pregnancy My Best

Author’s Note: I am sharing my story today of transitioning to a plant-based diet on Discovering the Word of Wisdom as requested by Author Jane Birch.  The Word of Wisdom is the revealed health code adhered to by members of The Church of Jesus Christ